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外语时,我们主要应做到四件事: 理解 --回答 --提问 --口头表达




求"被理解"的口头交流之间的区别。如果你为交流而说英语,那么你犯的错误大都可以忽视。重要的是信心十足地去交流(那可不是容易的!)。如果你确实是在交流,那么即使你犯错误也没有 关系,只要这些错误不干扰你的交流。你只要纠正在你口头 表达或写作时会妨碍别人理解你的错误就可以了。


练习语言听力的方法是要采取积极主动而非被动的方式。如果老师在介绍一篇课文时稍加一个短评,并且提出一个问题,学生们就会积极主动地聆听。例如,老师说:"今 天我准备给你们读一则讲述一个意外事件的故事。读完之后,我要问你们这件事是如何发生的。"这会鼓励学生们积 极认真地听,以求找到问题的答案。如果老师只是说:"请听这个故事",学生们则没有聆听的重点。他们的双眼可能 是睁着的,但头脑确是封闭的。


这是因为你把精力放在听单词上,而不是理解意思上。不要听单个的单词,然后就试图把它们译成汉语,应该听懂全文的意思。听英语时,要排除汉语干扰。这正是优秀 译员所要具备的:他们先要弄懂一段语言的意思,然后把它译成另一种语言,以便听者可以听懂说话的大意。


我想你所提的"时断时续"(说英语)可能是指突然迸 发式的说话方式。首先,你必须明白,大多数口头表达是与他人交往的产物。我们很少发表长篇大论,这就是说我们必须培养我们自己理解别人讲话的能力,然后根据我们所听到的内容作出回答。会话的性质不同,要求的技巧也自然不同。例如:·交流信息。这是我们每天最常见的交流形式。你的朋友告诉你他/她在业余时间所喜欢做的事。你仔细听,然后 告诉他/她你在业余时间所想做的事。你就如此这般回答。在这种交流中,你一般会大量使用一般现在时。·叙述。你的朋友用过去时告诉你一段经历(他/她如何误车,然后上班迟到,老板说些什么,等等)。你仔细听,然后讲述你自己的经历。在这种交流中,你一般会使用一般过去时或过去进行时。按时间顺序讲述一个故事较为容易:某事开始于……,然后叙述正文,最后结束讲述。·交流看法和观点。你的朋友告诉你他/她对某事的看法,他/她先描述一段场景,然后发表他/她的意见,并给出 理由。你仔细听,然后以同样的方式作出回答。你有可能陈述事实(你从报纸上读到的东西),给出一个或几个例子,然后说明你的看法。你很可能用些诸如 In my opinion…, I think…, I agree with what you say, but…和 I"m afraid I disngree.I think…等短语。

不错,平时多练习以提高你的英语口语,但不要指望遇见外国人(我想你所指的是来自说英语的国家的人)这个办法。如果这样的话,你练习说英语的机会就少多了。首先,经常遇见外国人是不容易的;其次,他们可能不愿被你用来 练英语;再者,如果你与一位外国人交谈,你可能会对自己 的英语水平不甚清楚,无法表达自己的思想(就像你所提的 事例一样)。那么,你该怎么办呢?你可以给你自己创造机 会。你可以找与你有相同的文化背景、面临类似问题的人练习英语口头表达能力。你可以定期参加英语会话课,在老师 的监督下练习,也可以和与你情况相当的朋友聚会,共同敲定一个谈话的主题。可以选一些你们讲中文时了解或愿意聊 的话题。当你心中感到言之有物的时候,你就会找到你所需要用的词来表达你的思想,这是个自明之理。



广播的播音通常是段英语口语。它并不是听写。我想你所说的是你没有抓住单个单词的意思。我的建议是:在听广播时,不要试图抓住个别单词的意思,要集中注意力听完整的句子,尽力抓住全文的意思。也就是说你一定要根据上下 文判断新单词的意思。要训练自己为理解文章的意思而听广 播,而不是为个别单词而听广播。


一门外国语最难掌握的一项技巧就是听懂母语讲话人用 正常速度所说的自然语言的能力。另外,在体育报道中,语速通常是快的。听一场赛马或汽车比赛的评论,你会发现评 论员几乎都跟不上自己的速度,因为他要努力踉上他所看到的项目的进行速度。你可以通过几个方法来训练自己听懂母 语讲话者说话的能力。一种办法是使用"有声读物"。这些读物以录音带、CD或录像带的形式出版。它们主要包括著 名演员朗读的小说或传记,这些读物是面向那些不想亲自读故事而想听别人读的母语讲话者的。


在陌生人面前你觉得胆怯,对自己的英语没有自信。为 什么呢?因为你怕被人嘲笑。这种情况尤其会影响讲外语的成年人。(越年轻就越没有顾忌!)你该怎么办呢?你可以先 说服自己讲别人的语言出了错误并不是件丢人的事。设想将情景反过来,外国人在努力与你讲中文。你会怎么办?你会嘲笑他们的语病,还是会去帮助他们呢?许多以英语为母语的人,尤其是那些长期在国外的,了解学英语的人努力讲英语的情形,一般都会有耐心、宽容地提供帮助。了解到这一点,你就可以试着与外国人交谈。仔细听,大体弄懂他们谈的是什么。"轮到"你说话的时候你可以发表自己的意见。 你认为自己可能误解的地方,可以请与你交谈的人解释,你 也可以请他们纠正一两个关键的错误。这样你会慢慢建立起信心。


你的头脑中不要想中文。在听英语时,你应该带着英语 思维听,不要试图给你听到的每个英语单词都找到一个中文的对等词。如果你顽固坚持,就会完全听不懂意思,也就听不到什么英语。不要拘泥于单个的词,应集中精力努力弄懂整个词组、句子和段落的意思。听到不理解的地方,努力从上下文中推导含义。听完一篇英语后,(用英语)回忆一下 它讲的是什么,考考自己。


费解的问题!"虚拟"是英语中很少使用的一个语法形式。可能你是要我推荐那些听起来像真正的英语,而不像语法书的英语录音。如果这样,我建议你查阅出版社的英语语 言教学目录,找到"读物"部分,选择有声读物(即磁带里的故事书)。选择自己认为适合的等级,然后选择你喜欢的` 题目订购。如果你的英语水平较高,你可以买或借"有声图 书",这是由演员朗读的原版小说。


错误只有在严重影响交流的时候才构成问题。如果与你交谈的人理解你所说的大部分,那你做得很好,犯了多少错误没有多大关系。如果你愿意,可以请英语水平比你高的人 替你纠正,但这样通常很乏味,而且干扰交流。如果与你交谈的人能理解你说的意思,那就很好,完全不应该担心错误。

如何 避免“中国式英语”?

你之所以老是把中文译成英语,是因为你的口语技巧尚未达到让你自信的水平。你在参加交谈前需掌握四项技巧.它们是: --理解 --回答 --问 --说因此你要集中提高这些技巧:训练自己理解英语口语,训练自己问问题,训练自己回答问题,最终说英语。你在掌握了前三项技巧后,就可以水到渠成地掌握最后(也是最难的)一项:说。




(1) We study spoken English so as to make oral communications, so this order of importance of oral English study should be followed: Fluency, Accuracy, and Appropriateness. That is to say, we have to pay more attention to practical communicating ability instead of only laying emphasis on the grammatical correctness.



(2) Try to find some partners practicing oral English together and English corner is a good place as where we may exchange English study experience, widen our sight and improve interest in English. By the way, Guangzhou New Oriental School holds an English Corner on every Wednesday evening from 7:00 to 9:00 at Haizhu No. 8 classroom. One of the teachers in our department will be the MC at the English Corner. Welcome every friend who is crazy about learning English!


(3) If it’s not easy to get English partners or having little chance to attend an English corner, then we have to create an English environment ourselves by speaking English to ourselves. For example, you can talk to yourself about what you have seen or what you have done.


(4) This method is very effective and easy to insist on--interpreting Chinese-English novels or books. First of all, we read the Chinese parts and try to interpret them into English sentence by sentence, and then compare our interpretation with the original versions in the novels or books after finishing one small paragraph’s interpretation, so that we can find out the mistakes, shortcomings and progresses in our interpretation.


(5) Interpreting what you hear and Changing Roles: Three people make a group, imagine a real interpreting scene: one speaks Chinese, one speaks English acting as the foreigner, and one acts as interpreter. Then change roles after a while. This is a good interpreting training method and is good for studying from one another. In addition, it may improve the responding ability and speed of students. The advanced stage of this method is simultaneous interpretation. We can try to interpret what we hear into English or Chinese when we listen to the radio, watch TV, or have a meeting.


(6) Oral composition and 3-minute training method: This method is suitable for intense training. Making an oral composition about a certain topic for one minute the first time and record the composition on tape at the same time. Then listen to the composition and find out the room for improvement. Then make the same composition for two minutes for the second time and also record it and listen to it. And at last repeat the above-mentioned for three minutes. It’s an efficient advanced training method.


(7)lling exercise: Retell some articles or English stories in our own words. It’s the simplest and most efficient method of practicing spoken English.


(8) If possible, we may read some English tongue twisters loudly and quickly with one or two cakes of candy in our mouth (just as the Chinese cross-talk actors do.) to train our oral cavity muscle and tongues suitable for English pronunciation.












老外聊天,多参加英语活动,如英语口语竞赛,多教别人学英语。我做了半年的家教 获益颇深,我希望能够给提高口语朋友一些帮助,以借助我的绵薄之力。苦苦学英语,才能取得好方法。要不要脸和知道怎样浪费时间



About the F word

When I first started to learn English in middle school, I didn't know there is F word in vocabulary. Until many years later, browsing through a book about American Slang in the college library, I spotted the F word in an expression about cursing. I looked it up in my dictionary, but found nothing. Back then, we didn’t have computers or Internet, which gives you access to any sort of information in the blink of an eye, nor did we have DVD or VCD. The only chance we could watch American movie was that during some weekday evening the American teachers played some movies brought from US on a VCR. The TV in our classroom was very small, and the sound was poor. And the room was always packed and had an awful smell of body odor, stale air, and lots of noises.

Honestly, I could understand disturbingly little of the movie, which had no subtitle and couldn’t be played back. All we studied was some stupid textbooks titled advanced English with passages written probably decades or even centuries ago by some famous writers or philosophers whatsoever.

Many years passed, we have more options of English learning, and my knowledge increases. I found that the f word is so widely used in English that no one could say his or her English is really good without solid knowledge of it.

To many beginners, teachers told them that the f word is a bad and crude word they should never learn or use. But I think this is terribly wrong. The f word, though often used as a verbal insult to other people as in “f you”, it is also frequently used to indicate anger, resentment, affection, or even care. Some good examples could be easily caught in the many popular American movies. “Where the f are you talking about?” “Where the f have you been” The speaker may be simply emphasizing an emotion of surprise, shock, or concern. The most interesting word incorporating the f word is “abso-f ing-lutely” in one episode of the TV show “Sex and the City”. If we don’t know how to use the f word, it is really hard to express a degree of certainty higher than the word “absolute”.

My point is that as language learners we should always keep in mind that sometimes what you see is not what you get. To learn a language better, it requires us so much more than hard work and practice. We need to expose ourselves to a more authentic language environment even it is very difficult for people like us living and working in China. The earlier we expose ourselves to cross-cultural problems, the more obstacles we come across in learning English, the deeper we would understand the language. So challenge yourself and you would become tougher and smarter.

Government Officers

I had no idea what the government officers were like before I joined my bureau. I, however, had no positive impressions on them, because of some officers I approached when I was a salesman.

Of course, I usually contacted those who were in charge of purchasing. Those officers were/maybe still are proud, demanding and powerful. Some of them hinted me for returns and some just asked directly. I invited them for dinner sometimes, and they ordered the most expensive dishes. Some even asked for more services after dinner. Not until all the so-called services were done, did they want to release some useful information to us or sign the purchasing orders. That’s why I used to look down upon them. They were nothing but a big pile of shit to me.

And now I’m working as a government officer too, not only because I am tired of being a salesman, but I want a stable and reliable job. I don’t think this position will be my final career destination, though! It’s been three months since I joined in the bureau. I’m impressed by the government officers in my bureau, because they are far away from what I thought before. Some of them are really good and responsible people!

Our bureau is a bit different from the others, because we are in charge of all the trades and investments in the city. Local companies have to apply for invitation letters if they want their foreign customers, colleagues, friends, relatives or whoever to come to Shenyang to live or work. And we’re in charge of all the foreign companies in the city. Though we have great power in hand, we use it to get more legal foreign investments and for anything which could be helpful for employment opportunities.

Some small problems still occurred to me after I became a member of the officers. I had no such experience on dealing with them before. For example: A section director asked me to translate a long essay for him. I said yes, but my boss was not happy because he said the director had no right to ask his man to do anything without his permission. I understood, cause he is my boss. I shall not take orders from other people, though their ranks are much higher than mine! So my boss asked me to leave his translation alone and let him to explain to the director. In fact, he forgot to do it, and I was there waiting for the consequence. It came to me pretty soon. The director told the president of my bureau that my English was poor. And don’t forget I just impressed the boss in a negative way. I smiled when I heard this, bitterly. “So what?” I asked myself. It’s no big deal. Danny’s English level has been proved by many foreigners, not only from English-speaking countries. I have, at least, great confidence on my English skills.

This incident made me more mature. Working for the Chinese government is not easy. As long as you’re sophisticated enough, you will definitely stand a batter chance to be promoted. You have to be bad, mean and whatever suitable for the job. I’m outta here, sooner or later. Like my brother told me before: if you work for the government, you’re gonna die soon.

Now I understand what he meant. Oops, being a government officer is not easy; being a good and innocent one is nearly impossible. So are you ready to be a government officer?
