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"Class!" said the teacher.


"Stand up." I said.

“Hi!Nice To See you again!”

“Hi!Nice To See you too。”


"Let's have a group reading contest today!" The teacher said.


"Good!" The students said in unison.


"First, Yang Qi's group." The teacher said.

“ school,I go to schoo today……”我们组认认真真地、字正腔圆地读。


"Great!" The teacher said, "it's time for Ding Ding's group."

“’s go to the classroom”丁丁他们组使出吃奶的劲读。


“ is for the boys……”冬冬他们组读得脸色发红,鼻尖冒汗。


"Not bad." The teacher said, "compared with the up, compared with the down."


After listening to the teacher's words, our group jumped up: "go! Go! Go! Oh come on, come on..."